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Shadow Systems® CR920P Optics-Ready 9mm Semi-automatic Pistol
The original CR920 took the everyday-carry world by storm, delivering a sub-compact pistol that was accurate, dependable and a joy to shoot. The new CR920P takes the performance to the next level with the inclusion of a self-locking, self-indexing tri-lug compensator that makes it extremely controllable for faster follow-up shots than ever before.
Of course, everything you loved about the CR920 is still here. Sporting an overall width of just 1.05", the CR920 features a highly concealable form factor that virtually disappears beneath your clothing—but shoots like a full-sized pistol thanks to some smart design choices by Shadow Systems.
The flat-face trigger breaks clean at 4.5-5 pounds, making it significantly more enjoyable to shoot and more controllable than other pistols in its class. Reset is quick, allowing you to get back on-target in a flash, while the integrated blade safety provides an added measure of protection.
Likewise, the 17-4 stainless steel slide stands apart from the crowd with deep front, rear, and top-side serrations that allow for easy manipulation, even when your hands are slick from sweat. The slide comes topped with a steel blackout rear sight that makes it quick and easy to pick up the tritium front sight under duress.
The grip frame is aggressively textured on all sides, so it sticks in the palm of your hand without unnecessary discomfort or abrasion. The pronounced dovetail prevents slide bite and allows for a high grip. It all adds up to a high-capacity, highly concealable subcompact pistol that's exceptionally easy to control and operate.
More on the optics mounting system
The new optics mounting system is among the best we've ever seen, and was the result of considerable effort. By redesigning internal slide components, Shadow Systems was able to relocate portions of the operating system to allow:
1. Strong, deep screw placement.
2. Extremely low placement for true co-witness with iron sights.
3. Most importantly, direct mounting of several red dots WITHOUT adapter plates.
No past designs have combined all 3 of these game-changing attributes. The MR920 optic cut accommodates Trijicon® RMR® and SRO®, Holosun® 507c and 508t, Leupold® Deltapoint Pro, Vortex® Viper®, and TruGlo® Tru-Tec red dots.
Order today!