Whitetail Institute Imperial Whitetail Fusion Food Plot Seed, 9.25-lb

4.8 out of 5 star rating (6 reviews)

Key Features

  • Extremely attractive to deer
  • Clovers scientifically designed specifically for deer
  • Provides up to 44% antler-building protein
  • Drought and cold weather resistant
  • Coated with RainBond™
  • Plants up to 1.5 acres

Imperial Whitetail® Fusion™ combines the best food-plot product in the world, Imperial Whitetail Clover, with the outstanding performance of WINA perennial forage chicory for even greater tonnage, higher protein, and enhanced performance during heat and drought-like conditions. Designed to last 3-5 years per planting, it's an excellent perennial for areas with moderately drained soils to heavy soils that hold moisture.

  • Extremely attractive to deer
  • Includes proprietary clovers scientifically designed by Whitetail Institute specifically for deer food plots
  • Blended with WINA perennial forage chicory for maximum attraction, high protein levels, longevity and variety
  • Provides up to 44% antler-building protein
  • Extremely cold tolerant, and resistant to drought, heat and disease
  • Coated with RainBond for enhanced seedling survivability
  • Excellent perennial for areas with moderately drained soils to heavy soils that hold moisture
  • Designed to last 3-5 years
  • One 9.25-lb. bag plants up to 1.5 acres

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Key Specifications

  • Item Number: 669914
  • MFG Number: FUS9.25
Whitetail Institute Imperial Whitetail Fusion Food Plot Seed, 9.25-lb
Whitetail Institute Imperial Whitetail Fusion Food Plot Seed, 9.25-lb
$99.99 / $89.99 Member
4.8 out of 5 star rating (6 reviews)